Wednesday, May 6, 2020

My Job Shadow At West Liberty Middle School - 1606 Words

I had my job shadow at West Liberty Middle School and I chose this school because I have been there previously. I spent the whole day at this school and learned a lot throughout the day. I am a family friend with the teacher who teaches seventh and eight grade English. Although I do not plan to teach middle school I still enjoy and learn a lot going to this school, because there’s a very diverse group of students from my different backgrounds. I feel like shadowing this school is much more realistic to the difficulties I may encounter as a teacher, therefore I benefit from shadowing this teacher and school. There were many take-a-ways that I encountered through this shadow. There were many students that had learning disabilities and even students that English is their second language. I was able to watch how these students learned through a teacher helper. This stood out to me because in most schools when a student doesn’t know English or is struggling with a certain to pic of area they learn the material in a different classroom rather than in the normal classroom. I thought that this was very interested how they implemented this into the classroom setting. There was an interpreter in the classroom and there were six students that could not speak English. They sat in a group while the teacher continued as normal and the interpreter would translate. I thought that this school in particular does a very good job at including and teaching for students that need extra help orShow MoreRelatedWhen Mr Pirzada Came to Dine6518 Words   |  27 Pageswas Mr. Pirzada, and he came from Dacca, now the capital of Bangladesh, but then a part of Pakistan. That year Pakistan was engaged in civil war. The eastern frontier, where Dacca was located, was fighting for autonomy from the ruling regime in the west. 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