Thursday, April 16, 2020

The Contributors And Their Contributions To Modern Security Essays

The Contributors And Their Contributions To Modern Security The Contributors and their Contributions to Modern Security The need for security has been around since the beginning of recorded time. Many came together in an effort to protect themselves and their belongings, from such threats as animals, weather and other humans. This grouping also made it easier to find food and satisfy their need for socialization. They donned weapons, erected walls, built barriers, and made laws, in an attempt to shield themselves from danger and fear. Humans evolved, as did their types of security, weaponry and barriers. Often, rulers selected individuals to aid in the enforcement of laws, as well as provide security for the ruler himself. Many of those individuals were men chosen from the military, which were often ruthless, and dangerous. The Romans relied upon the military force of the legions. To place the military on a stable foundation and disperse the power that the legions held, Augustus, the Emperor of Rome, created The Praetorian Guard, a type of bodyguard police, The Urban Cohorts, which were comprised of soldiers with police and military duties. Also, The Vigiles, large groups of firefighter police. During the Middle Ages, the Serfs, working for Noblemen, who answered to the King, worked the land, provided arms and fought in the Kings wars. In exchange, the Serfs received food and security from the noblemen. Anglo-Saxons brought the idea of mutual responsibility for protection of individuals. Tithings, a Grouping of ten families, collectively assumed responsibility for maintaining law and order. The tithing system was later replaced with the Frankpledge system after the Norman Conquest. The Frankpledge system demanded that all free Englishman swear to keep the peace. The Magna Charta, challenged the feudal system during King Johns reign as his lords revolted and forced him to sign, giving all Englishmen due process of law. The Magna Charta is the basis for modern justice. The Statute of Westminster formalized the practice in criminal justice and apprehension of criminals. The watch and ward system required townsmen to patrol the cities during the night, while the constables patrolled during the day. Those who did not serve were placed in the stocks. The hue and cry system served as alarm for the citizens of the town or city. When a criminal resisted the watchman cried out and the people of the town came to his aid. Enforcement of the hue and cry was brought about by the assize of arms, which required every male between fifteen and sixty years of age to keep a weapon in the home as a harness to keep the peace. Many merchants were not satisfied with the quality of the protection provided them, therefore they hired private police. These private police guarded their businesses, investigated crimes, and recovered stolen property. Oliver Cromwell attempted to use his army as a police force as a means of crime prevention. There was no effective police mechanism between the people and his army. Therefore, the people resisted and the watch and ward system remained the primary crime control procedure until the industrial revolution. The Industrial Revolution of England brought about many changes. Famine hit the rural community, forcing many into the cities to find jobs at mills and factories. Crime intensified within the cities brought on by the countless poverty stricken people trying to survive. Furthermore, Political extremists triggered angry mobs, which caused riots. Because there was no organized police to handle riots, a magistrate ordered the Riot Act and called in the military. In London, 1748 Henry Fielding was made the Chief Magistrate of Bow Street. During this period of time there was no police force. He was known for his leniency in dealing with petty theft. He also wrote and published pamphlets about the poverty in London, and the causes of the rising crime. Fielding envisioned an idea that the people may join forces, go out into the streets, and stop crime before it had a chance to cause ruin. Fielding chose six men to form a volunteer force. These men swept clean the Bow Street area. Many were arrested, and the rest fled from the neighborhood. Even after Henry Fieldings death, his brother John carried on his ideas. The Bow Street volunteers

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