Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Comparing and Contrasting Sky News with American Media Outlets Essay

Comparing and Contrasting Sky News with American Media Outlets - Essay Example Although these two media houses main objective is delivering news in various platforms to the world, they also have a number of differences for instance whereas Sky News normally focuses on European news, most of CBS news usually revolves around the US. Apart from analyzing the two media houses, the essay will relay more information on Sky news and CBS in terms of story coverage and whether biasness exists in story among the media houses in terms of coverage and advertisements. Media houses usually play a very important role in any nation. It is because the media that a nation is able to easily govern its citizens. It would have been such a difficult especially for a government if media houses did not exist. This means that if the government would undergo a lot of trouble in trying to pass messages to its citizens. Apart from easing communication between the government and its citizens, media houses also play a huge role in promotion of markets and organizations. For instance, through media houses, a nation can be able to advertise various aspects such as tourism and business opportunities and this normally results to increase of the economy due to rise in the number of people visiting the nation for business or tourism as advertised. The fact that there are a large number of media houses globally is enough proof that there is a lot of competition for supremacy. Therefore, for any media house to stand out among the rest it is important that it delivers the right information, at the right time and to the right group of people. This is because high demographics normally enables a media house dominate in the field hence increasing the rate of investment, which is caused by numerous advertisements from various company who approach the media house to advertise their products or businesses. In the US, CBS is one of the biggest media house and because of this it receives many business opportunities that come ion form of advertisement

Sunday, February 9, 2020

Knowledge, Truth, Belief Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 2

Knowledge, Truth, Belief - Assignment Example We know that when someone dies, they are gone forever. We don’t see the people who have died. They’re put in the ground, and we know that there is no possibility of ever seeing them alive again. Death is the ultimate reality that gives life meaning—because we know that once we’re dead, there may be some astral traveling to various yugas, but that life is the ultimate experience with realia. 2. One of the more contentious points in Descartes argument centers around the claim that God must necessarily exist because he is a perfect being, and a perfect being would not lack the attribute of existence. When this argument was first posed by St. Anselm in 1078, (almost 560 years earlier) a contemporary of Anselms, a monk named Gaulino, parodied this argument by suggesting that if someone could conceive of a "perfect island" then this perfect island must exist somewhere, since the idea of a non-existent perfect island (much like a non-existent but perfect God) would represent an inconsistency in ones thinking. Is Gaulino correct when he suggests that this kind of argument seems to open the door for the (somewhat sudden) existence of all kinds of entities so long as we conceive of them as being perfect? Explain. Descartes’s assertion that all entities exist because they are perfect produces a troubling difficulty that cannot be immediately remedied. As Descartes said himself, even he had doubts about certain issues. â€Å"All that I have, up to this moment, accepted as possessed of the highest truth and certainty, I received either from or through the senses. I observed, however, that these sometimes misled us†¦Ã¢â‚¬ 1 He is admitting, then, that the senses can deceive one when conceptualizing philosophical ideas. This doesn’t make him an expert, then, when he says that everything that truly exists has to be perfect—because we all know that there are many things in the world that do indeed