Saturday, December 28, 2019

Human Immunodeficiency Virus The World s Most Serious...

Human Immunodeficiency Virus has become one of the world’s most serious health challenges. Human Immunodeficiency Virus can be defined as an epidemic and is one of the leading causes of death for women of reproductive age worldwide. Each year there are more women affected with HIV and many of those women are bearing children. As of 2012, three world renown AIDS organizations have published a global statistics of HIV and AIDS epidemic estimating that at least 34 million people have been affected by HIV and of the 34 million, 3.8 million are children living with HIV. UNAIDS, WHO, and UNICEF are the three organizations that have come together to send aide and awareness to HIV-positive women and their children throughout the world known as†¦show more content†¦As human immunodeficiency virus affects millions each year, many civilians are without help and treatment. Poverty is one of the underlying issues of why the treatment is scarce. The United Nations Population Fund w rote that â€Å"many impoverished girls and women vulnerable to exploitation, including trafficking, early marriage, and selling sex. Many see sex work as one of the few options available to support themselves† (â€Å"Poverty and AIDS† n.pag.). Countries affected by poverty have limited income, which means limited employment. Many women and young girls sell their bodies in exchange for money and contract different infections and viruses. In Southeast Asian countries such as Thailand, HIV is significantly and rapidly increasing by each year. United Nation reports that â€Å"women’s educational attainment, work patterns, income levels, access to and control of resources and social roles – all have considerable impact on their health and the well-being of their children, in general, and on their reproductive health, practice of family planning and involvement in fertility decisions, in particular† (â€Å"Poverty and AIDS† n.pag.). In some developing nations such as Africa and parts of India, poverty and gender discrimination is the leading cause that affects women and young girls to not have a well-rounded education which could lead to a better life and job. Cultures have a high preference for sons to have an educated life, which will provide him to seek jobs to

Friday, December 20, 2019

Trsut, Love, Purity - 1892 Words

Love, trust, purity and dating. In this report I’ll be talking about things that is worth saying and how our human life’s changes by doing or trying these things. There the 3 love and about love, trust, purity and dating. Love Love is a force of nature. However much we may want to, we cannot command, demand, or disappear love, any more than we can command the moon and the stars and the wind and the rain to come and go according to our whims. We may have some limited ability to change the weather, but we do so at the risk of upsetting an ecological balance we don t fully understand. Similarly, we can stage a seduction or mount a courtship, but the result is more likely to be infatuation, or two illusions dancing together, than†¦show more content†¦There is a risk involved, they may let us down. Often we place trust in a child according to what we know of their character, gradually giving them a bit more responsibility as we think they are mature enough and trustworthy enough to handle it. We see trust as something that must be earned or negotiated. We may trust other adults according to how much we know of their character, attitudes and behaviour. Another way to see trust is as something that is inspired in someone when they are trusted. You place the trust, let go, and believe they will rise to the faith put in them. Yet another way is to trust, fully aware of the weakness of human nature and ready to forgive when someone lets us down. From this we see that people can have different ideas of what it means to trust. Some people believe that they give trust, and it s their choice to give it, while others think it has to be earned, so it is the one who is to be trusted who has the choice. Our ability to trust may be affected by our upbringing and past experiences too. It is very easy within a marriage to assume we view trust in the same way as our partner, but assumptions can be misleading and lead to disappointment and hurt when things go wrong. We all long for someone who has chosen us, who respects, honours and cares for us, someone with whom we can be real, who accepts us for who we are and will stand by

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Market for Baby Formula

Question: Analyze the Market for Baby Formula Aptamil. Answer: Introduction The purpose of the essay is to analyze the market for Baby Formula Aptamil in the Australian market. The market is analyzed using the marketing environment in which the product is manufactured and marketed. Further, the target market and the potential customers of the product are analyzed using a well-designed pricing strategy. Aptamil Profutura is a well-designed alternative for breast milk by some of the best nutrition experts. It has been designed for the baby toddlers that could give the same amount of nutrition required as the breast milk. The experts of the company are dedicated in manufacturing milk for the infant toddlers with an experience of 30 years (Aptamil Profutura 2, 2017). Aptamil Profutura is offering a new type of product for the infant toddlers named by Aptamil Profutura. It has been designed by the best experts of the brand and is one of their premium products. It is the most advanced formula designed by featuring a unique blend of ingredients (Aptamil Profutura 2, 2017). Environment Analysis: Microenvironment Competitors Competitors play a major role while planning and analyzing the market for a product. Brands for dairy products are growing in the FMCG companies in Australia. Aptamil Profutura faces competitions in Australia from companies like Bellamys Australia Limited, A2 Milk and others. The company offers similar products like Aptamil Profutura. In such a competitive situation, it is necessary that the company maintain a unique marketing strategy for itself in order to capture the market (Aptamil Profutura 2, 2017). Customers Aptamil Profutura manufactures it products to serve different kind of customers such as mothers having infant baby, for gifting purpose and for the internal customer base. The customers also include some business customers that purchase for sale in their stores. The business customers are like supermarkets, grocery stores that take the milk product from the company. Thus, the customer base are spread for the company such as household, for gift purpose, by doctors and business person. Macro environment Economic Economic factor is crucial for the company to get a picture of the economic region they operate. It helps them to decide the level of profit that they expect from the region and the investment they will put on it. There are various economic factors that a company faces and that affect the buying behavior of the consumers. For the milk product that Aptamil Profutura is offering, it is important to know the living standard and style of the people, the growth of Australia over the years (Gupta, 2013). The Australian economy is a well-developed economy in which the people maintain a modern and advanced lifestyle. The average earning of the people in Australia has been $1556.30 in the year 2015, which was an increase of 2.1 percent compared to previous years (Tradingeconomics, 2017). The GDP of the country according to Bureau of statistics, in the year 2017 has grown by the rate 1.8 percent compared to previous years. The economy also experienced an increase in the household consumption by 0.7 percent. The reproduction rate in Australia is also increasing with a rate of 0.86 percent per 1000 (ABC News, 2017). This serves as a driving force for the company to increase its sale from household consumers. moreover, the company offers its products through online channels as well that is widely used channel in Australia. Social Another aspect of macro-environment that will affect the growth of Aptamil Profutura in Australia is the social and cultural aspect of the country. The social aspect that affects the company is the living style of people, the traditional values and the modern lifestyle they maintain. This is because a society believing in maintaining their traditions and old belief and offer their child the homemade nutrition will not prefer such milk (Choez, et al., 2015). Australia is a developed economy with most of the people preferring modern way of life. Most of the people in Australia are working and thus they prefer such convenient nutritious food for their children. Moreover, most of the people of Australia are health conscious and love to get the best nutritious foods for their baby. Moreover, the advanced society of the economy would love the advanced formula featuring the product (, 2017). Identification of a Target Market Depending on the content, benefit and usefulness of the product that Aptamil Profutura, it is important to design a target market for the company. The main target market for the company would be termed as the modern middle-income level households. Description of Target Market The defined target market for the product that is the modern medium income level customers is segmented under various categories such as geographic segmentation, demographic segmentation and psychographic segmentation (Solomon, 2014). These categories of segmentation portray different target market for the company. As the infant mil product acts as a supplement for the breast milk and other homemade nutritious foods for the baby, it is necessary that the mindset of the family is supportive for readymade milk. This is because a family with strong traditional believes will never accept this product. Moreover, the company will also target the household with more number of infant children as the product is only for the children. Children with the age range of 6 to 12 months are the main target market for the company (Aptamil Profutura 2, 2017). Moreover, the company also targets the middle-income customers for the product, as the pricing strategy that they maintain is competitive pricing . Moreover, the company will target the regions having the highest birth rate in Australia and supply the products in the stores of those areas. As the milk is presented as the readymade food for the infant children, it suits the fast life of people of Australia. Through online website, the company targets the mothers that are office goers and love to shop for the baby through online. This is the type of psychographic segmentation the company has formed for is customers. Thus, segmenting the market proves to e beneficial for the economy, as it is the best way the company can streamline its customers and their need. By segmenting the market, Aptamil Profutura is able to offer the product to the potential customers. This will help the company to target the best customers of the product. Positioning The market for the milk that the company is offering can be positioned based on various aspects such as advantages of the product, the nutrition content, formulation of the product and others. Positioning is the type of name or image the brand is occupying in the market based on the product it is offering. The positioning helps in differentiating the product of a brand from other similar brands. Positioning is done according to the type of market the company is targeting. However, there are different types of positioning that the company can use such as price-quality approach and product-user approach. The company chooses the price-quality approach because it tries to put itself as one of the most featured and advanced quality product (Schlegelmilch, 2016). This is the reason it has designed the milk with some of the most advanced formula and nutrients. On the other hand it is seen that the company uses product-user approach in which it portrays its product as the most useful and hea lthy food for the babies. It offers the some of the most needful nutrients to the baby such as energy, carbohydrates, fat and protein in right amount. It is has positioned itself as a useful and affordable baby food brand in Australian and international market. According to (), a brand design a positioning for itself through a positioning map that helps them to formulate the perception that the consumers will hold for their brand. The positioning map shown below represents the position of Aptamil Profutura compared to its competitors in the FMCG industry of Australia. From the above positioning map, it is seen that the company has positioned itself better than its competitors have. It is seen that A2 Milk of Australia has positioned itself as one of the most valuable as well as high priced brand. It offers healthy and nutritious milk for the infants at a higher price and targets the rich customers. However, another competitor has positioned itself as high priced milk and trying to move itself from low valued to high valued milk as per its price. However, it is seen that Aptamil Profutura has positioned its new product at low priced product and is of high value to the customers. This is due to its advanced featured formula that it has used in the product. This has helped the company to gain a competitive advantage over its competitors. Conclusion From the above analysis, it can be concluded that Aptamil Profutura is inventing new formula 2 milk for toddler from age group 6 to 12 months. It has been seen that for the product the company is deciding to offer it at a competitive price and target the household customers of Australia. Moreover, it is seen that the economic and social condition of Australia supports the demand for such milk, which offers as a substitute for breast milk. This is because most of the mothers in Australia are working and prefer to offer nutritious food to their toddlers. References ABC News. (2017). Australia's economic growth jumps, but is it sustainable?. Retrieved 18 November 2017, from Aptamil Profutura 2. (2017) Retrieved 18 November 2017, from e Choez, W. O., Cortzar, M. Q., Cruz, S. H., Carvache, K. R. (2015). A framework for PEST analysis based on neutrosophic cognitive map: case study in a vertical farming initiative.Neutrosophic Sets and Systems, vol. 17/2017: A Quarterly International Journal in Information Science and Engineering,2(4), 57. (2017) : Gazetteer - Australia - 2017 - Statistics and Rankings Retrieved 18 November 2017, from Gupta, A. (2013). 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